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Item Description

100% Certified Organic Kamut Wheat- Grain Flour 25 LBS

KAMUT'S signature ancient heirloom grain with the 100% of the bran and germ included, nothing removed, nothing added.

KAMUT flour is versatile - pizza crust, bread, rolls, pancakes, waffles, pastries and pastas!

A word from the mill about KAMUT Khorasan Wheat
 “Buttery rich, nutty flavor” are the superlatives we hear most often when people describe why they love KAMUT brand khorasan wheat products. This ancient grain has a wide variety of uses. It’s great in baked goods, breakfast cereals and pasta. We sell KAMUT as a whole grain, whole grain flour and white flour. Just use KAMUT flour in place of, or mixed with, wheat flour in your favorite recipe to add flavor, color and nutrients. Sprouters tell us the flavor of juice from KAMUT wheat grass is much sweeter than ordinary wheat. KAMUT wheat is higher in protein than ordinary wheat and has more essential lipids and amino acids. 

The milling process

  We take exceptional pride in the whole grain flours we produce. Our micronizer mill produces a homogenous flour at cool temperatures. Our flour is considerably drier than most other commercial flour because we do not temper (add water) to our wheat before milling as is the normal custom. It should be noted that flour produced from tempered wheat is approximately 14% moisture while our flour contains approximately 10% moisture. Not only does this provide more net flour per pound to the buyer, it enhances the shelf life of the product. Milling extremely dry wheat causes the bran to be pulverized into much smaller particles which will provide a much finer texture for the end product. Our whole grain flour typically have a shelf life of 6 months.  In a dry cool environment our whole grain flours will keep for up to a year.  High humidity shortens shelf life.

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